About Us

At Shield Proof Roofing, our goal is to provide our clients with the best service and value in the industry. We often use the term "moment of truth". This term allows our staff to quickly communicate that there is an opportunity to provide personalized service to our clients. The decision is made to turn the opportunity into a mission. We feel these "moments of truth" show our clients that we value them and their business.


How does Shield Proof Roofing provide the best service and value?

  • When a prospective client contacts Shield Proof Roofing an appointment will be set that is convenient to the client.

  • An experienced estimator will be dispatched to perform a free roof-top evaluation.

  • A detailed written proposal will be created outlining the exact scope of work necessary to address the area of concern. Additionally, options which will help prolong the life of the roof will be presented.

  • A specific warranty which protects the client from material or workmanship deficiency will be specified.

  • Payment terms will be specified. NEVER will a deposit be required.

  • Work will be scheduled in a timely manner that is convenient to the client.

  • All work will be performed by experienced trained technicians using the latest and highest quality materials available.

  • All work inspected by experienced supervisor.

  • Payments will only be accepted once the client is completely satisfied. If you are not happy, you don’t pay.


Our Philosophy

  • Providing a safe working environment to protect personnel, customers, and the public.

  • Supplying safe and quality products for customers

  • Continuously improving the company’s safety program to reduce the risk of accidents and occupational illness in a changing work environment.

  • Encouraging personnel to participate in accident prevention programs, and take personal responsibility for their health and safety, as well as that of their co-workers

  • Utilizing properly trained personnel, equipment, and procedures necessary to enable regulatory compliance, and contribute to the highest safety standards for our industry.

  • Monitoring workplaces, enforcing safe work practices, and communicating the company’s safety performance to all personnel.

  • Making safety a value-added service that the company provides to its customers.

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